Ah, the Travellers. I'd ignored them for a long time, letting them sit in Family Bin Purgatory,
simply because they looked so dang doofus-y in those silly Maxian outfits.
The Maxis Makeover thread at GOS inspired me to move those Travellers out of purgatory
and into a cottage, which I put right on the outskirts of Strangetown, just under the water tower.
The Traveller's love to eat meals together as a family.
Trish makes the best faces.
Tina Traveller, who is just too adorable for words.
I gave them a dog, an adoptee named Otis.
Tina and her friend Alec Smith (no relation to the Polli Tech Smiths)
Alec Smith
The Traveller's Cottage
The house, if you're wondering, is a made-over version of corvidophile's Spring Cottage, at her Sirona Sims website. You can find it